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Have you ever wondered what it means to 'walk in the Spirit' or 'stay in step with the Spirit?' In this post, we take a lesson from the great Star Wars franchise to see how we can better allow God's Spirit to impact us in bigger ways.

When a monopoly game is over, all the pieces go back in the box. It doesn't matter how much money you made in the game...Is your life any different?

"Don't go there!" "Stop hanging out with them!" "Don't sit so close to the TV, it'll make you crosseyed." Throughout our entire lives we are given warnings that often do not come to fruition. The promised consequences never find us. Eventually, we get ourselves into trouble by thinking that we can get away with anything. It will catch up with us, and we won't want to be there when it does.

A lesson we can learn from one of the greatest football movies of all-time, "Remember the Titans."