Don't Blink
3 CommentsI can remember the day well.
It was last year around this time. We were in the car, leaving Bethel School and on our way to the Centralia Rec Center. Titus had just finished one game for his Rome 3rd grade team and we were on our way to another…and we were late. Shana was frantically trying to hand out food to the boys, Clayton was trying to tell me a story, Titus was requesting his favorite song and I was trying to think of the most time efficient way to get to Centralia.
That week we had been on the run a lot. Tons of practices, ministry stuff, teaching a class at Saint Louis Christian College. I felt the pressure piling up. I shouted in the car, “Everybody stop!”, and believe it or not, they did (I’ve got to be honest; I felt the power in that moment…and it was nice). They probably assumed someone was in trouble.
“We are running around like crazy. We’re always late and rushing, everyone is talking over everyone else, or whining about not having the right snack; but I want to go on record saying that I’m gonna miss this. I’m gonna miss rushing you guys around to games. I’m gonna miss a thousand things going on at once. I’m gonna miss everyone competing for my attention. I’m gonna miss this stage tremendously.”
(Not exactly the equivalent to ‘I have a dream’, but at least it was from the heart). I meant it…every word. I know that I’ll miss it all. There are challenges that come to parenting. The days are long and stressful, but the years are so short. Too many parents have warned me: it’ll go by too fast. Be sure to soak it up; they won’t be young forever. I know they’re right.
That’s what I was trying to do on that day…I was taking a mental snapshot and acknowledging I was going to miss it all.
Every stage in life has its blessings and challenges (and not just with parenting, either). We often are guilty of the sin of wanting what’s next. Preschoolers can’t wait to get into real school. Grade school kids long for junior high. Junior Highers long for High School. Underclassman want their license and to move onto upper classman status. Seniors can’t wait for college. Parents long for the freedom they had when they were just dating (I can go on, but I think you get the point).
We need to be able to stop and smell the roses, because at some point it will be your ‘last’. Your last time playing in a high school jersey…
Your last first day of school…
Your last snuggle with your kids…
Your last conversation with a dear friend…
Your last day of work…
Before we know it, one stage ends and a new one begins and we look back on the ‘good ol’ days’ or ‘the way things were.’
One of my favorite TV shows is ‘The Office.’ In the last episode Andy Bernard says to the camera, “I wish someone would tell you that you were in the good ol’ days while you were still in them.” I don’t know what stage of life you’re in, but let’s pretend for a moment you’re going to miss it when it’s gone. Do your best to enjoy it, and take mental snapshots soaking in every moment.
Psalm 90:12 – Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.
Lynn Hutchison
Monica Braddy
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